Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

Course presentation

In-class activities

1.  The course organization

Work Plan

Comment the following course aspects.

  1. Review the course scenario.

  2. Activities previous to each session. Manipulating all the information about the course in the net and know how to access it quickly. Mention the need to interact in the forum.

  3. Learning outcomes, scenario and course topics.

  4. What happens if I have not passed any of the previous programming courses?

  5. The course sessions: theory, labs. What is it assumed? Review the schedule.

  6. The working environment: command interpreter + editor (or IDE). Always ready to work, both in theory sessions as in lab sessions.

  7. Pair and team and working.

  8. Your working week.

  9. Course evaluation

2.  Example of Marta and José Luis

You have finished your studies and a job offer is published in the press to work in an environment similar to the one described i the following newspaper article:

Although they need somebody with experience you sent your CV and you are hired under certain conditions. You are getting a salary similar to what is published in the report and are put in charge of a group of two more people, Marta and José Luis, in charge of maintaining and solving problems with a product which is very important for the company's bottom line. The condition under which Big Boss will maintain your job is that the group you are leading works without a problem, and this is evaluated looking if the problems are solved within reasonable time frames.

In your team, Marta is a person extremely efficient. She studies and analyzes problems with depth, proposes brilliant solutions which she implements quickly, detect possible problems even before they appear, communicates her ideas clearly, has a high level of responsibility, etc. However, José Luis is a person that takes too much time to solve a problem, you can tell he is not motivated to learn anything new, has no interest on anticipating problems, if there is extra work he is the first one to leave, he tries to hide from problems when they appear, etc.

Big Boss calls for a meeting and informs you that some deficiencies have been detected in your team. She asks you to fix the problem, your job is on the line. You cannot fire anybody on your team nor hire anybody else, perhaps a bit more money is available for incentives.

In groups of four people and in only 3 minutes, propose three measures to revert the situation (and keep your job).

3.  Activities after the session

Creating an account in the Department of Telematic Engineering Labs

Work Plan

Load this form with the user alumno and password GRADO16_17. Create an account and try to connect (probably the next day) to one of the computers in the course labs and open a Linux session.

How long did this activity take you? mins.

Questions about the course organization

Work Plan

Read the previous document. Make sure the information contained in it allows you to answer the following questions:

  • How are the teams created for the second part of the the course?

    • Randomly

    • The students decide

    • The teaching staff decides

    • Ordering by NIA

  • When is the last chance I have to choose between continuous evaluation and final exam?

    • The last day of class

    • At the end of the first course session

    • After handing in the first homework

    • Until the project starts

    • The evaluation selects the best option

  • What is exactly the so called development environment?

    • Computer with virtual machine installed and ready to try whatever is related to the course.

    • My room

    • The course page in Aula Global

    • The way in which I'll work with my buddies during the course.

  • How long am I suppose to devote to prepare a session?

    • 1 hour

    • 2 hours

    • There is no indication of this time

    • The teaching staff will tell us.

How long did this activity take you? mins.