Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

Reading/writing text in C (by keyboard/screen)

Lab activities

1.  Using strings and managing input by keyboard

Work Plan

Using the program of the option menu, make the 2 following modifications:

  1. Create a new subfolder in your work space shared by (optionally) by Subversion for the program you are about to create.

  2. Create your own long int data_read() function that reads a menu option from the keyboard. Delete the prefix extern, included before the prototype that referenced that function in menu.h, because it will be no longer needed. You don't need data_read.o either. The strtol function will come in handy, make sure you read the manual page.

  3. Add and implement a new menu option to change the WiFi name (ESSID) of an access point. When users select this option, the program ask them to introduce the number of the access point and, then, the new ESSID name. The strcpy function will also be helpful, make sure you read the manual page.

Optionally, upload the file to the repository with svn commit.

How long did this activity take you? mins.