Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2015 - January 2016

Milestone 1: Data structure, project modules and reading loop.

In-class activities

1.  Data structures of the project


Work Plan

  1. Comment on the progress about the decissions taken with respect to modules, data structures and functions. Review if changes are required.

  2. Create the *.h needed to define the data structures and functions in the project. This file can serve as the linking point between the team members. When a person implements a function, and this function affects another part of the project, this file may reflect this change.

  3. Comment with the tutor the meeting that you had during this week, the proposed task division and its progress until this session.

How long did this activity take you? mins.

2.  Implementing the first project milestone


  • Description of the project. More precisely sections about the customer requirements, company requirements, project milestones, and source of inspiration.

  • Material from the previous activity about using Valgrind.

Work Plan

  1. Implement the skeleton of the menu that sees the user.

  2. If your project uses global variables, it is recommended to include an initialization function to make sure they start with the correct value.

  3. Compile the project and obtain a first executable capable of running in the platform.

  4. Execute the program with Valgrind to make sure the the memory management is done correctly.

  5. Implement the function inserts an element.

  6. Implement the function that lists all data points. Make sure they are listed in the same order in which they have been obtained.

  7. Implement that removes an element. Make sure that it works properly.

  8. After verifying that these three function are correct, run some tests with the Valgrind command.

When you finish this activity you must have your first prototype that executes at least three operations that will help you to reach your next milestone.

How long did this activity take you? mins.