Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

2.7.5.  Structs and union manipulation

Work Plan

In a new file called using_structs_and_unions.c, write a program with these features:

  1. An structure called struct survey_information which stores the name of a person and a field which stores the street of the person if this person lives in Leganés, or the district if the person does not live in Leganés. Hint: You will need a field to know if the person lives in Leganés or does not.

  2. Function void data_enter(struct survey_information *ptr_survey): This function initializes the name field of the structure addressed by ptr (remember, no more than 30 chars). Then, it will set if the person is or is not from Leganés, initializing the Leganés address if the first case, or the district he or she comes from if the second case.

  3. Function void data_display(struct survey_information *survey): This function prints the name of the user and the address if he or she is a Leganés citizen, or their district otherwise.

Implement a main function that first gets the data from the user and, second, prints the data on the screen, with the help of the previous two functions.