Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

8.7.5.  Functions gets and fgets


  • Subfolder Using_fgets in the shared folder.

Work Plan

Using fgets, modify the program called using_fgets.c, stored in folder Using_fgets, so that it allows the user to enter a text line. The program just takes up to 80 characters of that line. After getting them, your program have to count the number of times every character appears on the text line. Character 'A' is considered the same as 'a' when counting. Note: It will be useful if you normalize the characters to lower case before counting, with the function int tolower(int c) from the library ctype.h.

When finished, upload the file to the repository with svn commit.