Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

20.2.  When everything else fails

If a conflict grows to the point of blocking the team performance, there are some special measures that need to be taken. In this course, these special measures are taken based on the following guidelines:

  1. The first step when a conflict appears is to talk about it with all team members. Obtain a set of changes or measures needed to make the conflict disappear.

  2. If the conflict persists, and if the majority of team members agree, a formal complaint is sent through email to one team member with copy to the course professor.

  3. When the first revision of the project is submitted, if the conflict persists, and the majority of team member agree, a formal request is filed with the course professor to expel one team member.

  4. The consequence of a member being expelled is that the team looses a member, and the expelled person has to finish the project alone.

  5. The teaching staff has the right to disolve a team and obtain the total project score through an exam to each of its members.