Telematic/Audiovisual Syst./Communication Syst. Engineering

Systems Architecture

September 2017 - January 2018

18.6.  The meetings

It is very important that the team meetings are as efficient as possible. An efficient meeting is somewhat elusive, but you may take some measures to make sure the time you interact with your teammates is as productive as possible.

  • For each meeting, name a member of the team that is in charge of leading it (moderator). Before the meeting, this person is in charge of writing the list of points to cover and sends it to all team members. Any team member may suggest changes on that list.

  • During the meeting, another team member (different from the moderator) is in charge of summarizing a document (the minutes) the issues discussed and most importantly, who commits to perform which tasks. Write also who is attending, moderating and writing the minutes. This document should be available to the rest of the team shortly after the meeting is over.

  • Decide a reasonable duration for the team meeting (not more than hour and a half) and observe such limit. The moderator is in charge of making sure the points are covered in the allotted time. If a discussion is longer than expected, it needs to be stopped and postponed to a different channel (email) or a different time.

  • Rotate the roles of moderator and writing the minutes among all the team members.