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Bachelor's Degrees EHEA compatible
 - Telematics Engineering
 - Audiovisual System Engineering
 - Communication System Engineering
 - Telecommunication Technology Engineering
 - Informatics Engineering


Engineering Degrees Former System
 - Telecommunication Engineering
 - Tech. Telecommunication Engineering: Telematics
 - Tech. Telecommunication Engineering: Communication Systems
 - Tech. Telecommunication Engineering: Audiovisual Systems
 - Computer Science
 - Computer Science: Information Technology


Official Master's Degrees
 - Master in Telematic Engineering
 - Master in Telecommunication Engineering
 - Master in Computer Science and Technology
 - Master in Big Data Analytics


Master's Degrees
 - Máster in Management and Production in e-Learning
 - Master and Specialist in NFV and SDN




Bachelor Theses

Bachelor's Theses

The Telematic Engineering Department offers the following list of Bachelor's Theses (Spanish only).

Other possible topics for Bachelor's Theses can be found in the research web pages of the Department.

versión española

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